Merry Christmas Brothers and Sisters In Christ

Note the Extra Wise Men in this Picture...

Much Deeper Meaning
What an exciting time of year this has been and will always be for me. I love Christmas, there are so many fond memories I have from Christmas. I remember making a teddy bear in grade 8 and giving it to a girl I had a crush on for years, as a gift of friendship to her. I remember a gift of beauty in itself, which was presented by the Church, as a gift to my family. Then there are fond memories of last year, my first year at Maritime Christian College and the great atmosphere here, which has carried through to this year. Maritime Christian College brings me memories of the parade and also the much anticipated yankee swap! at Tom Marshall's house and lest we forget Christmas Chapel.
Through seeing these things, sometimes we forget about the much deeper meaning of Christmas. I used to forget this through anticipation of a man I just found out was a petifile...Santa Clause.... lol, right Rebecca!. Anyway, Christmas is much deeper than this. Christmas is much deeper than the giving and receiving of gifts.
Allow us remember this Christmas, the greatest gift and the reason for the Christmas Season in Christs birth. Jesus is the deepest reason and one to rejoice in, it brings pure Joy to celebrate this season, because Jesus has given me a gift that is irreplaceable by His Loving Grace, this is a gift, that all are given. Don't take your time opening it!
12 Days Until Christmas
Do you all remember the 12 days before Christmas song, that song is so cool, but not as cool as a song, a friend of mine at MCC has sang to me on numerous occasions called the 12 days after Christmas. This song is hilarious, which it brought me to thinking about what the original 12 days before Christmas had been written for. For those who are curious about the significance of this song, this extra bit to my post is for you!
People often think of the twelve days of Christmas as the days preceeding the festival. Actually, Christmas is a season of the Christian year that begins December 25 and lasts until January 6th - when the church celebrates the revelation of Christ as the light of the world and recalls the journey of the magi.
From 1558 until 1829 people in England were not allowed to practice their faith openly. It was during this era that someone wrote 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas' as a kind of secret catechism that could be sung in public without risk of persecution. The song has two levels of interpretation: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of the church. Each element in the carol is a code word for a religious reality.
1. The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ.
2. The two turtledoves are the Old and New Testaments.
3. Three french hens stand for faith, hope and love.
4. The four calling birds are the four Gospels.
5. The five gold rings recall the Torah (Law) the first five books of the Old Testament.
6. The six geese of laying stand for the six days of creation.
7. Seven swans a swimming represent the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit.
8. The eight maids a milking are the eight Beatitudes.
9. Nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Spirit (Gal.5).
10. The ten lords a leaping are the Ten Commandments.
11. Eleven pipers piping stand for the eleven faithful diciples.
12. Twelve drummers drumming symbolize the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
There you have it...the hidden meaning of the Twelve Days Of Christmas and the secret behind the song. I had never heard this before, and I thought maybe alot of you haven't either. Now the song has so much more meaning when I do hear it.
I pray that this post has influenced you to look for the deeper meaning in things. This is such a funny song, especially the 12 days after Christmas, but from now on, through my laughter, I may now see the meaning that is Christ.
Jesus is the Reason for the Season! this is not a saying, but the deeper meaning is that it is Truth!