Whats that Smell?

November 18/2006 Whats the Significance?
It is Friday and I just got back from Hockey with Dave Marshall, actually forgive me its actually Saturday, November 18. I think that my forgetting the date and the day has something to do with the hit that Dave gave me tonight, he hit me silly, I am seeing Stars, reminds me of Eric Lindros. Talk about stink too, Samara and Katherine will attest to this, they were spectators tonight, and ran from my hugs, which they usually love to have.
Lots of fun playing Hockey, one of the funnest things I do in the run of the week. Tonight as I make this post, I would like to have a time to reflect, as the significance of this date to me is a reminder of my confession of Faith through Baptism to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is AWESOME! a date that I look forward too every year to remembering, and one I try my best to remember Jesus' sacrifice on my behalf.
Allow me to contrast my two greatest loves in dedication to my savior.
I play Hockey once a week and I work, work and work to score goals, in fact tonight I promised a certain individual that I would score a goal, but as much as I tried and tried to score that goal, I could not put that tiny puck in that net. This led me to disappointment. At the same time though, it served as a reminder to me.
My life before Christ was like me working and working, trying to score the goals which would lead me to my eternal destiny, in the process though, my stench built up, just like in Hockey tonight.
It took me about Thirteen years to realize that I was a stench before God, working to score the goal on my own, trying to live life to the full while stinking that bad. Because of that life, people ran from my hugs, they wanted nothing to do with me, life was good at times, but the reality was that I was living in a stink. God could not stand the site of my stench and fled from my stench, as horrible as that may sound as a reality to some.
The truth is, I could not score that goal tonight, I know exactly why too... That goal dwelled on my mind the entire night, I would go in on my own and take shot after shot, ending up on the ground flailing like a fish out of water. My end result would be sweat, and exhaustion, I just could not complete my plays, I had no follow through.
Folks, if you are still with me, I want you to know, that you are me! when we do not have the reality of our need to have Christ in our lives, we try and do things on our own, just as I did tonight...this leads to failure, disappointment.
When we finally come to that reality that we need Christ in our lives, He reduces that pressure in our lives, He gives us room to "pass the puck around," He keeps us from getting hit from the play and most of all, He makes us clean from that awful stench.
I Belive that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, this realization has opened up the ice, it has helped me to focus on that goal, which Christ has scored!
Thank God for putting His son on the ice, that we may realize that there is no I in team, there is a me, but God in me is what makes me strong, God in me is what makes me Clean.
How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!
-Hebrews 9:14
Let us not forget that we have Christ there, waiting to receive the pass and that goal you were trying to score, He has already scored, and He did it on our behalf.
But keep in mind that the work here is not done, we must be on guard and out of Love for the one who has scored the goal, keep playing out life, let us see that Jesus has made room for us to have an assist in the play....
15He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
- Mark 16:15
Let us keep on our oppurtunities... And God's People said "____." I will let you fill in the Blank!
Dave I guess that hit you put on me hit some sense into me brother!