Saturday, November 11, 2006

Lest we Forget

Take the time to Remember and reflect

How can something so beautiful be a symbol of such suffering

I apologize if you are unable to witch this video, I warn that it is very deep, but it is the ultimate display of someone beautiful, derserving of our remembrance.
November 11/Lest We Forget
Its Saturday, November 11/2006 and I started out my day by going to my local senataph with some friends for the local remembrance day service. This moment brought many thoughts to my head, thinking about the sacrifice of these many men, on behalf of us today who have freedom.
In remembering these men, I also remembered another sacrifice, one which was by Christ Jesus, a sacrifice for many, on behalf of us today who have freedom.
I found a contrast here, many men dying for all, and one man dying for all....Both sacrifices made on behalf of Freedom, a fight for peace, reconciliation.
As I stood at this service there were prayers to God, which was respected by me as local ministers came to give prayers on behalf of those who lost loved ones at war.
Through all of this though, there was zero mention of the sacrifice of Jesus, only mention of God who is reigning over us. Where I want to take this, I am not sure, but my thoughts today are, on what bounds did these sacrifices take place?
The sacrifice of the men who died at war were on behalf of freedom, and so was the sacfrice of Jesus Christ. Lest we forget in which context freedom comes.
Would these men who died at war, would Jesus who died on the cross, would they be disappointed in us today who have fallen from the name of God.
The direction that we have chosen to take our freedom to would be one that is disappointing to these men who died at war as well as God above.
Lest We Forget that God sent His son to deliver us from the sins which held us captive, to Satan who opposes God. Lest We Forget the sacrifice of these men who died so that we may live in peace under God.
These men layed down their lives for their friends, family and even those that they did not know. Jesus Christ came to this earth, a man full of righteousness, but would not want you to take His place on that cross for one moment, because He had the oppurtunity to die on our behalf.
Because of this sacrifice, we are filled with God's Grace.
Lest We Forget! Let Us Remember Him!
Today, Tomarrow and until the end of time, just as We remember our War veterans on this November 11th Day.
Lest We Forget! We would Forget a Truth that sets Us Free.