Saturday, September 23, 2006

How deep is the hole?

The first rule of holes: When you're in one, stop digging.

Psalm 40: 2,3 NIV
He lifted me out of the slimy pit...he set my feet on the rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.

In all sorts of situations we can make matters worse by our own frantic efforts to save ourselves when God is trying to tell us, 'Stand still.' We have gotten ourselves into a hopeless situations, the more we fail to listen, the worse it gets.
Not often enough do we stop digging and pay attention to what God is saying, we panic we get stressed out, we never think of going to the Lord in prayer.

Perhaps it's time to take a pause in your ardent (this is the word of the day) pursuit of a solution or answer that you are seeking. Give God time to do His work, and to speak His wisdom to you. We often say that we are handing our problems to God,but do not put full faith into giving our problems over to God.
We often think, well God has better things to do then pay attention to me...
He has wars and Famines to overlook does'nt he?
Well maybe we should leave that answer to God to decide, and be faithful to God's will.
When we Pray we should do so Whole heartidly, that way we can get out of the Hole.