Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lifes Rough, Wear a Helmet!

Well, there is always something to be said thats for sure. If you want to know what is on my mind you sometimes get good things, but then there are the bad, which are'nt so great to hear.
I find things really hard... I don't know why, just do? I think sometimes I make things harder than they have to be, I let them get me down. There are so many struggles it seems going on with my life right now and I just let them piece by insignificant piece rip me up inside.
This may not be enough to be ripped apart emotionally, its also physical, the pain that I experience, its one that is unsharable, yet at the same time, it is good to share. Prayer has been big for me as of late with this.
Illness has plagued me for nearly a week, I still have not fully recovered from kidney stones, yet I keep this to myself, I feel the pain, but do not want pity!
This is something that I only put here so that people can relate, then maybe perhaps see that there is always a solution. The solution that we are told often in society is not the solution that we should turn to.
When contemplating your future, its not good to boggle yourself with pointless worry have faith.
When facing the pains of peer pressure have faith.
While suffering inside from different things that are going on in life, have faith.
If your down and out, lying in your bed, feeling that you could breathe your last, that you will not make it this time, have FAITH!
"Next to faith this is the highest art -- to be content with the calling in which God has placed you!!!" This was a quote of Martin Luthor.
My Faith Is in what God has in store for my future, this one I will hand over to God.
I could definetly find more time for God in my life, I did that finally today, I went to a confined place, and I prayed.
This was a time of devotion, not with others, which is good to have too, but it was a time for Just God and Me, and believe me you will get know other friend than that.
Spending all that time with God helped me to pick the postive from all negative. The feelings I feel are ones as a result of bordom that sometimes arises, but with that time I spend bored, I don't know why I don't invest some of that in God.
Anyone who reads this, again, don't take pity on me, don't feel sorry...But Please take example, realize for yourself the great Faith God provides to you.
Spend time with God in prayer...I miss family more than anything, I get bored a lot... But I am on a team that cannot be Boring, I am on Gods team and I lift His name up to you. His Glory reigns supreme and will get you through anything.