Check out the Man in the Chef outfit!
Am I seeing double? I don't remember that?
Heres "THE Scoop"
Things in my life only seem to get more and more exciting lately, especially upon the completion of my exams. Unfortunately, last night was the last youth group meeting that I would attend during this semester at Central Christian Church. This congregation treated me well, while I have attended here and my thanks goes out to all who attend there.
On a side note, the article you see above is what looks to be a picture of myself cooking dilegently in a Holland College kitchen. I found this article sitting in Dale Eynons pulpit and after showing numerous people the article, discovered that the figure in the picture is me... or at least looks very much like me.
Frig its funny how we can all be so different and yet look the same. My friend James Stevenson is always going on about how lots of people have my look. He said that there are some past students of the college with my look, The drummer from Three season Ant has my look and if I dare say... well lots of people have asked if I intend to look like Elvis intentionally and clearly he has my look.
In conclusion, I may claim that I am uncool, but really that would be lying because everyone wants this face lol. Just kidding, but its funny how so many people would choose what I have properly entitled, "The Darrell Look."
I would be honored if you to joined the look. If more people had my look then it would'nt be so hard to find beautiful people. You would just need to look at me.
Just kidding really and I may be conceded, but not that conceded. Really I am glad that God has made us all different.
As many people that have my look, I don't think they have my personality. Not sure what people think of who I am, but I don't care. I have chosen to put God first in my life and I apologize if my personality is at times a plague, because I know that through Christ, it can serve as a blessing.
Anyway, thats my Rant!